[기타] Font Awesome 4.7.0 - Web Application, Directional

페이지 정보

루루아빠 3,318 2017.11.20 21:24


  • 평점 : 0점 (0명 참여)


The complete set of 675 icons in Font Awesome 4.7.0
The Font Awesome Icons website is http://fontawesome.io/icons/
예제 .fa .fa-user

Web Application Icons

address-book address-book-o address-card address-card-o adjust american-sign-language-interpreting anchor archive area-chart arrows arrows-h arrows-v asl-interpreting assistive-listening-systems asterisk at audio-description automobile balance-scale ban bank bar-chart bar-chart-o barcode bars bath bathtub battery-0 battery-1 battery-2 battery-3 battery-4 battery-empty battery-full battery-half battery-quarter battery-three-quarters bed beer bell bell-o bell-slash bell-slash-o bicycle binoculars birthday-cake blind bluetooth bluetooth-b bolt bomb book bookmark bookmark-o braille briefcase bug building building-o bullseye bus cab calculator calendar calendar-check-o calendar-minus-o calendar-o calendar-plus-o calendar-times-o camera camera-retro car caret-square-o-down caret-square-o-left caret-square-o-right caret-square-o-up cart-arrow-down cart-plus cc certificate check check-circle check-circle-o check-square check-square-o child circle circle-o circle-o-notch circle-thin clock-o clone close cloud cloud-download cloud-upload code code-fork coffee cog cogs comment comment-o commenting commenting-o comments comments-o compass copyright creative-commons credit-card crop crosshairs cube cubes cutlery dashboard database deaf deafness desktop diamond dot-circle-o download drivers-license drivers-license-o edit ellipsis-h ellipsis-v envelope envelope-o envelope-open envelope-open-o envelope-square exchange exclamation exclamation-circle exclamation-triangle external-link external-link-square eye eye-slash eyedropper fax female fighter-jet file-archive-o file-audio-o file-code-o file-excel-o file-image-o file-movie-o file-pdf-o file-photo-o file-picture-o file-powerpoint-o file-sound-o file-video-o file-word-o file-zip-o film filter fire fire-extinguisher flag flag-o flash flask folder folder-o folder-open folder-open-o frown-o futbol-o gamepad gavel gear gears gift glass globe graduation-cap group hand-grab-o hand-lizard-o hand-paper-o hand-peace-o hand-pointer-o hand-rock-o hand-scissors-o hand-spock-o hand-stop-o handshake-o hard-of-hearing hashtag hdd-o headphones heart heart-oaa heartbeat history home hotel hourglass hourglass-1 hourglass-2 hourglass-3 hourglass-end hourglass-half hourglass-o hourglass-start i-cursor id-badge id-card id-card-o image inbox industry info info-circle institution key keyboard-o language laptop leaf legal lemon-o level-down level-up life-bouy life-buoy life-ring life-saver lightbulb-o line-chart location-arrow lock low-vision magic magnet mail-forward mail-reply mail-reply-all male map map-marker map-o map-pin map-signs meh-o microchip microphone microphone-slash minus minus-circle minus-square minus-square-o mobile mobile-phone money moon-o mortar-board motorcycle mouse-pointer music navicon newspaper-o object-group object-ungroup paint-brush paper-plane paper-plane-o paw pencil pencil-square pencil-square-o percent phone phone-square photo picture-o pie-chart plane plug plus plus-circle plus-square plus-square-o podcast power-off print puzzle-piece qrcode question question-circle question-circle-o quote-left quote-right random recycle refresh registered remove reorder reply reply-all retweet road rocket rss rss-square s15 search-minus search-plus send send-o server share share-alt share-alt-square share-square share-square-o shield ship shopping-bag shopping-basket shopping-cart shower sign-in sign-in-language sign-out signal signing sitemap sliders smile-o snowflake-o soccer-ball-o sort sort-alpha-asc sort-alpha-desc sort-amount-asc sort-amount-desc sort-asc sort-desc sort-down sort-numeric-asc sort-numeric-desc sort-up space-shuttle spinner spoon square square-o star star-half star-half-empty star-half-full star-half-o star-o sticky-note sticky-note-o street-view suitcase sun-o support tablet tachometer tag tags tasks taxi television terminal thermometer thermometer-0 thermometer-1 thermometer-2 thermometer-3 thermometer-4 thermometer-empty thermometer-full thermometer-half thermometer-quarter thermometer-three-quarters thumb-tack thumbs-down thumbs-o-down thumbs-o-up thumbs-up ticket times times-circle times-circle-o tint toggle-down toggle-left toggle-off toggle-on toggle-right toggle-up trademark trash trash-o tree trophy truck tty tv umbrella universal-access university unlock unlock-alt unsorted upload pencil user user-circle user-circle-o user-o user-plus user-secret user-times users vcard vcard-o video-camera volume-control-phone volume-down volume-off volume-up warning plane wheelchair wheelchair-alt wifi window-close window-close-o window-maximize window-minimize window-restore wrench

Directional Icons

angle-double-down angle-double-left angle-double-right angle-double-up angle-down angle-left angle-right angle-up arrow-circle-down arrow-circle-left arrow-circle-o-down arrow-circle-o-left arrow-circle-o-right arrow-circle-o-up arrow-circle-right arrow-circle-up arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up arrows arrows-alt arrows-h arrows-v caret-down caret-left caret-right caret-square-o-down caret-square-o-left caret-square-o-right caret-square-o-up caret-up chevron-circle-down chevron-circle-left chevron-circle-right chevron-circle-up chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up hand-o-down hand-o-left hand-o-right hand-o-up long-arrow-down long-arrow-left long-arrow-right long-arrow-up toggle-down toggle-left toggle-right toggle-up
출처 : 이윰넷
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Progress Bar 10%

- 가입일 : 2015-03-04 03:24:54
- 자기소개 : 루루의 자랑 루루아빠랍니다~~


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